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t1A11 thoBO knowing thcmsslvos indobtod to mo oithor by noto or account must como and sottlo nT oncoMrs G WoLvrDr R MooresNEWDtllft StQBEIs Headquarters forThe Purest FreshestDRUBSON THE MARKETPrcflcrlntlons lilted nt nilhours day or night by a grad-uato rnarmacisiNext Door to BankLOCAL NEWSHTHURSDAY COP 13 1892PUBLIC SPEAKINGHon John S Rhea willspeak at Marion MondayOctober 24 1892 Come andhear himThe campaign is surely onBig crowd in tho city MondayBurn tho old plank sidowalksWas thero over such a drouthTho crop of dust holds out wellThose abomniablo plank walks1Mrs Frank Loyd has typhoidfeverWhen you wailt flour call ontonOar mining mtercjts do not growrapidlyDudley Popo will build a residencein MarionHeating stoves good and cheap atPierce SonThere is no decline in price ofbuilding lots in MarionTho tobacco crop is housed and itis a fair one tooDont fail to get your road ingood shape for winter woarA good milk cow for saleSaio K DorrGaah paid for oggs find hidesSchwabSchool books for cash and caehonly 11 0 WalkkkSee the No 505 tho best moat cutter on earlh Sold by Picrco SonI will pay cash ir Irish potatoesM SchwabMiss Eumi Adams daughter oljailer Adams has typhoid feverA fine lino ot winter lapcheap at Pierco SonrobesFor bargains in millinery goods ofall kinds Call on Mrs Laura SkeltonFyou want a lot lor a residencein Marion call on 11 C Walker18 lbs granulated sugar for SI21 lbs grajiulatod sugar lor 81 atSchwabsLewis Thoiros will endeavor toresurrect tho post offico at Crittenden SpringsW D Wallingford has purchasedthe stock of tho Guess Mayes Hyerly stableA few buggies left Big barguinsfor somebody Pierco SonBev E B Blackburn brought toour office i of a bushel of fine sweetpotatoes tho product of ono vineTho lot sold by R 0 WalkerCommissioner for tho town waspurchased by W P Maxwell forS24950Tho wiio of John It Griffith ofEddyville is very ill at tho residenceof Garland Caitur of this countyBuy fertilizer lor W HEAT on 12months time lroin Geo M Ciiderhardware Marion KyBy calling early wo havo justreceived onothor car load of tho celebrated Mitchell wagons Wo haveall sizes Pierco SonYou need go no further when inwant ol sugar and ccfToe Skoltonihas itMillinery Goods nt TolaMiss Minnio MoAinis is soilinghats for Mm Loving this seasonCall lit Tolu and soo tho stockHon Henry Houston will speakat Marion on tho 17 instoad of tho24th the timo having been thus chanodSkelton sells shirts undorwoareuspendors and hata at prices thatwill pleaBO you Try himMr Blair of Keljey was in townysstorday colloctiug money heretofore subscribed to build Methodistchurch in his townLadies dont forgot that MrsLaura Skolton io celling inoro hatsthan over before and nt prices thatrigbtona hor compotUorsWo nro requested to announcothat Judgo J A Mooro will addresstho pooplo of Forest Grovo nextMonday nightMr J 0 llonson has depositedin tho Phess offico a stalk of cornupon which aro four finely developed and full oars of corn llo proposes to send tho Press ono 3 cartc tho man who can beat itYou can buyjoans and cassimeropants cheaper from Skclton thanany ono elseMarion still needs a cemeteryAs privato parties will not tiko holdof tho offair why not tho Board ofTown Trustees Somo of us willbo ready for burial somo of thesoday it would bo less embarrassingif a well kpt cemotory is providedfor tho occasionMr McGrow who has boon carrying tho mail from Marion to Toluhas lost his eyesight ontirely andhis fnend3 wcro raising monoy yesterday to sond him to an occulist fortreatmentI am receiving astockoffurniturot the old Camoron stand MarionKy Call and sen my goods andloam my pricesJ J BennettLOST On Marion and Salemroad betwoon Marion and tho MrsHaynes farm Wednesday Oct 12 awooden walking cane painted blackThe finder will please return sameto mo or leave at Press officeJ II HawkinsSands A Itcntfows Circus Cois hero and will make a parade at1030 balloon aecontion and parachute jump at 1 oclock then thocircus opens to ono ofthe best showsthat has been hero for yearsAll of tho supplies for the butterand cheese factory havo been ordered and in alow days operations willbo commenced The managers nroencouraged and if tho farmors willsupply tho milk at a fair price theenterprise U going to succeed Itis now estimated that 150 gallons ofmilk per day will make tho factoryself sustaining Surely that amountcan bo readily suppliedThe Sturgis linterprise tells of abicgamo cockfight which occureda week ago last Sunday on Crittenden county ground According tothe Enterprito about seventy five ofthe boys were on hands with a Crittenden rooster a Henderson chickenand a Sturgis fighter Too Crittenden bird knocked Henderson outtho first round then was made totaclilo tho Sturgts chanteelier andSturgis was victorious We are constitutionally opposed to chicken fighting but to call on a Crittenden birdto whip two invaders in one day washardly fair if he had been given twodays in which to do tho job he wouldhave sent em both to grassSues For A IMvorcoTuesday Mrs D A Bas3 filed asuit asking to bo divorced from horhusband J T Uats Sho allegescruel troatmnnt and fuiluro to provide Sho also neks for tho custodyof her childW L liiglmm Under IiondMonday deputy sheiifl Loydrested W L Bigham upon a benchwarrant from tho Circuit Clorksoffice Uigham was indie ited by thogrand jury for complicity in tho turkey scrapo for connection with whichJohn Crow and Sherman Wheelerontortainsomo unpleasant roraembcrances Bigham give bond forhis appearance at Circuit CouttOn llio Wrong SideTuesday Sam Hughes an old colored citizen who had rounded upsixty threo years was before tliocourt of claims asking to be relcas dIrom tho future payment of poll taxII 0 Had been asked about his ageproporty health und children andfinally he was uf ked if ho was in thewar yes sir came tho answerpromptly Tbon do you not got apension was the ucxj interrogativeand how long did you serve Theanswor was l forvoa lour yearsand manys tho tirno I heard do bullets sing but whon 1 comos to gottho pension I found 1 was on thowrong I served under Brcckenridge All dem four years I wasfighton 1 thought 1 was on thoright side and everything was ullright but when it como to git in doponsion doy told mo I was on thowrong sideWhen Undo Sam had finished hisremarks somebody inula a motionthat ho bo released from poll taxand when tho motion was put on itspassage tho right hand of ovorymagiatrato was up high for its passage and tho old colored rebel soldier will pay no more poll tax in Crittenden countyQuarterly MeetingTho first round ol quarterly meetings for this vicinity of Prtncotondistrict is as followsSilem circuit at Dynusburg Dec10 11Cariovillo circuit at Loves Chapel Deo 17 18Marion cirouit at Marion Dec01 00Shady Crovo circuit at Mt 4ionDocMCOURT OF CLAIMSA Diversity ol IJunIucshacted by This ImporfmitHotlyTuesday mornini tho Court ofClaims composed of tho CountyJudgo and Magistrates oltho countyconvened The following magistralsworo present J II Bugg and WM Morgan Marion district TheoVosior DycuBburg C W Fox andT A Iliupcndmg Union J WAinsworth and L A Lillue Hurricane J C Sejhenson and W BItankin Fords Ferry 11 W Taylorand J N Cully Bells Mines GeoF Willionn and W E Todd ShadyGroveTho following pauper idiot claimswcro allowed John Bobout 820Evcrsa Iloloman 820 F J Iloloinan 820 Chas II Davenport 820Sidney J Jones 820 Smith Ordway 820The tollowing peisns wcro released from poll tax payment IIC Gilbert Alex James L C TravisLM Travis Jno S Claik SamHughes Henry llowcrton W ANichols Sam Crucc Jns Brown J13 McKinley Pleas Vaughn JohnMcCormic W W Brown Jas LandRalph Sales Silas EisloyTho following claims were allowedJ M Phillips right of way forroad S10F J Imboden bahnco duo forkeeping paupers to date 853 80WOil Trayi salary as Superintendent poor housoforycar 1892815Marion Bank discount on schooldrafts 830J T Snyder for taking caro ofJosh Jeffrey 8 3 per monthC C Akcrs keeping sick pauper812J W8300ans conveying prisonersT M Chandler keeping two sickpaupers 818G L Itmkin goods for poorhouse 8715F J Imboden repairs on poorhouse farm 8IGF N Dilton work on bridge 810J W Crawlord medical bill 820Jno A Wood guarding prisoners8500John E jsley plow and team on road3000AL Cruco serving loid oider844Jemimi Reynolds to aid in hersupport 823Dr S D Svopc midical attentionto prisoners 89W M Morgan caro of ElijahSpurr S40J VY Adams jailer fees 118 -10J 11 Clark health officer S50W J Deboe county superintendent 8190 90J A Moore salary ai countyjudge 8500J W Uliiu salary as county attormy 5UD Wosds copying lvad orders etc818220W F Belmear holding irq aest 8GAn order was passed fixing theprice of plow and teams on the pubic road at 8150 ror dayRuben Cook appeared befuo thocourt and usked ihit ho be providedoOno 1 air of raulos 7 yoars old ingood order good condition workiiiywnero also a good wagon andwith a homo other than the poor harness all cotnplote 1 vill sellhouse giving ins reasons lor notwanting to stay at tho county institution The following order wasma doOrdered that SO pr raonli be andH hereby nppiopmtcd for tho ueund benefit ot Ruben Cook payuboto the person in whoso care he thulllawlully he placedThe following road overseers wtruppoirted Monthly Wm OrendTRufus Riley 1 J Green DailcyB rncs Jno L Franklinira M Hughes was released fromroad workW J M Travis Superintendentof tho poor house reports as followsI havo visited tho poor house atleast onco a montn end havo seenthat thoso who were placed to botaken caro of havo been fed andclothed and taken caro ot as well ascould bo under tho condition ofthing Tho place residence isnow in good clean condition betterthan I havo known it for sometimepist There aro how as inmates thefollowing persons Ruben II CookJohn Bibb Nancy Edwards Harriot Woody col Emma Curtis andchild Lucy llugbB col They arotolorably well clothedJ W Blue jr J A Moore and PS Maxwell continued as commissioners to soil poor houseIt was ordered that tho keoper ofpoor house bo paid no inoro on account until ho hai lully compliedwith his contractJ W Blue jr and J A Moorowero authorized to lot poor housoor tho yoir lp3 under soiled bidsOrdered that 81000 bonpproprjatad to build a bridge across a sloughbetween Tolu and tho Ohio rivorand J W Guess S F Cridcr and FThrolkcld wcro to have said bridgobuiltjft is ordered tjiaf 8000 bo appropriated to build 11 bridgo ttOkSCrooked creek it Fords ford andW 13 Rankin aud L E Cook rwcro appointed commissioners tohayo said bridgo builtQrdcrpd that 8125 bo appropriatedto build a bridgo on Pincy rqad andClem Doan and J II Travis woro appointed couunuiionera to havo snmobuiUOrdered that n sulfiiitint sum boallotted to pay for election boothsballot boxes etcB Marcum and Iiaac Spurr released from poll taxOrdered that a sum not to exceed81 per foot bo appropriated to digWill at 111I residenceW II Ashor was appointod superintendent of poor houso at a salaryol SlO per annumJ W Bluo and J A Mooro wcroappointed c immissionors to rcccivosealed bids for building iron fencoaround court house and to reportsome at tho next mooting of thocourtNOTESThe allowances mado by tho courtof claims amount in tho aggregato tosomething near 75Is was a liberal courtTnreo magisttatoi votod againstallowing tho County Judgo andCounty Attorney 8500 eachTho county health affair asked for8100 and got 850Foster Thrcldkcld Foster Cridcrand tjreen Urawtoru asKetl lor tnoTolu bridee and got it easily therebeing only ono voto agoinst the appropriationFords Ferry is coming to thofront tho bridge will help horTho magistrates will convenoagain to make the county lovey assood as tho legislature gots tho lawin shapeHereafter tho poll tax can bo nomore than 8150 henco a proportytax will bo in ordorTho County Superintendent willbo given cfiioe room in tho courthouse next year frco of chargeIlcrctiloro ho has been paying rentThero may bo an iron fencoaround the public squaro yet Thopresent generation however maynot seo itAT LAST-Notice i3 hereby givon to thestock holders and to all others whowish to furnish milk that tho butter and cheese factory will beginoperating on Wednesday Oct 19band wo supgest ihat nil bogin rightaway to Iced their cows so that theyield of milk may bo greater ond itU sincerely hoped that tho wholecommunity wil do their utmost tomake this entjrpmo 11 complelo success J W Skel tonManagerIor Siilo or JjxcliangcI have a number of good buggiesand hacks for sale very cheap orwill exchange them for hay or cornIt you want a bargiin call at onceW D WallingfordLot n n public rutid between Eddyville and Muricn Sturday OctS a folding top to ttbe and a chairthe finder will graeatly abligo bywriting me at Marion KyL MilesFor Saleall together or mules aloneJ S BraswcllMarion KyFOR SALE A hou30 and lotnear Mirion Tho lot embraces liacrep box house cf four roomsiniko house crib and stublc goodyourg orchard Will bo sold cheapR C Walker AgtFor SaleOne span of gooil raulep well brokoto work and ride Seven years oldCull on or address E 13 lllackburnat Marion or T W Blackburnnear EnonA Tli lid Party Htm in lio Content lor tliuShcrlflHltyFewow Citizens Haying beennominatod by a convention of thoPeoplos party held in Marion Kyon Sept 21th 1892 for tho office ofSheriff of Crittendon county andhat too without my knowledgo ortcckingsaid office and believing itto bo tho duty of every citizen to actin that sphere to which a majority ofhis fellow countymen may call him1 theroforo willingly accept saidnominationPromising to mako an nctivo canvass as possible thoreforo I earnestrly ask tho support snd influence olall who aro in sympathy with thoPooplo s paity as well as all who areinterested in our countrys well boing Should I bo tl 0 choice at thopolls in November I will dischurgtho duti03 of Sheriff to ray bo t ability and without fear or favr rW 13 K4NKJNFords Feny KyDr Hule8 Household Ton1 the groat blood purifier anlnprvo tonic It acti upon all thosccrciions of tho systoui eniblingtho liver nd kidaoyji to peiforirlicir proper functions giving tuncan strength t tho noivm svstemd portau euro fr flvnpni gift Twomonths treatment for oQ Got asample ot IliMyar Woods drugstorePersonal Parngrniilig 1 Now SiilemJohn Mnrso went to Cincinnati A child of J se Sicvcnrn InsTuesday been qiiito sick at the roi lenco ofMrs Dol Wilson went to Louis i iu raml lthers E 11 Taylorvillo SaturdayMrs J W Blue returned fromSt Louis SaturdayDouglass McFco rcachod homefrom Texas SaturdayMrs R C Walker roturncd fromBoono county SatutdiyMr G II Shrceve of Leviaswent to Nashvillo MondiyMr W A Lowis of Frances hasreturned from Hot SpringsRev W R Gtbbs wont to Hopkins county Tuesday to assist in ameetingMr F M Gocn has moved IromCaldwoll Spring neighborhood toMarionG L Rinkin filed his commissionas notary Publio Monday and tooktho oath of officeMrc R N Walkor pod herdaughter Mrs Ldbotter ol Elizibethtown III a vidt last weekMiss Ada Hurley who his beenvisiting relativoi and friouds in thisplace returned to her homo in Stbrcc SaturdayMr jL MRonoKand Miss WilliePntchett of Salum woro in townWednesday returning homo from avisit at MadisonvilleMr Jasper Camper and wife ofKenton county returned homoTuesday after spending throe weekswith friends in this countyDr II D LaRuo and family ofNew Burnstde III spent last weekwith relatives in this county returning homo TuesdayLevinsInfant child of Jamc3 Perimandied last weekFarmers aro about dno sowingwheat in this sectionMiss Ada Franklin visited relatives in Enfield III last weakTho annual LaRuo family re-unionlast Sunday found them all happy and prosperous with no missinglinks siucc last yearJ A Gillas and family have roturned to their homo here after twoyears absence wit tho stavo fajtoryBring on your produce and buyyour goods at tho llee hivellalib EnslyMarried at the residence of thobrides fnthcrs Sept5 E VEadevMr Maiion Babb to Miss Mary EEaslcy Rov F N Atwood officiated after the cen raony supper wasannouncod and a tuble well suppliedwus attended to wth the bcstol careand no pains wat spared to make allpieman feel welcomeAlter suppor was over nnd allhints ready thu following presentnwere pnseted to thu biide by heririends and rolutitniOno set fruit dishes Mandy Easlcy castor Mrs Luro McMullen setol china cupj und saucers E W Eisley ck st mil John Kemp glasspitcher Mrs L A Kemp butter dishAtch Frazer preserve stund RoseyUrown sot of plates Miss FrancisEasley glass net James Johnsonpreserve tand Mrs Eliza Todd saltceller Miss Sirah Eisley pickeldish Dr J JS Todd pepper bux JasEaslcy sugar bowl Mbs Susie Williamt broom Miss Dmio Williamslamp J F Komp water bucket MrnMary Hubbard i lly glass Miss Lizzo Mitchell preserve stand tuissAnnio Neal butter bowl Mrs ElenAaher one set of fruit dislus b DKomp and wife molasses stard CC Dean pitcher JJciiie HubbardD J Hubbard an Mrs L ATowerypair of linon tones each molassesstand E L Kfmp Mrs Bell Hordingand Miss Mirtio Ashcr pair ol linentowels each fruit dishes Mrs MollioCardwell butter dish Miss RosioDavis colleo pot Mrs Eller Davispitcher Folio hetnp sugar bowlKittio Kemp glass pitcher S AFrazer butter dish Dempsoy Kempcream pitcher Lizz oFrozor lookingglass Jittio Mitchell dish MuryKomp After all tho presjnts wasgivon tho crowe began to disperse innil directions making for thicrhomos May love hapninoss andprospQrity crqwn the happy pairG F WConrad Bender of LouuaiIIo83n shot his wife an 1 then cut hisown throat Irom cur to carWhen Babjr waa tick vo rsto her OutforlaWhiii slio was a CUUJ tlio cried or CastorlaWlicn slio becamo Hiss hlio clung to CufitorlaWhen blio had Children sho gave them CostorloShlngleH ShinglesGeo lloston has plenty of shinglesfor sale Best shingles and lovcatprices Seo himBuy a Dandy Due Harrow foryourwheut landnorce iV Son AgentJ Joan 3on tho spot caMiproduco dealers will at nil limes payBuv your boots and shoos fiom tho highest mnrket prico in cash forThe tobacco crop is all housed ingood conditior tho quality is goodbut in quanity it is ubout 75 percent of a cropOur farmers are about dono sowing wheat but unless it rains soontheir will bo a slim show for a cropRuff Throlukold Poto Franklinand Phelix Tyncr left on tho 0thfor n two months hunt in the uildsof Arkansas The boys went wellcquiped for a good timeMrs Jas Tynor has been absentfor tho past 10 days visiting herfather A B Hodge of White Hallwio has beenver low for two weekspastRobt Mayhan and family aro visiting friends near Golcondu thisweekRov Eli Eiton is conducting nprotracted meeting at Cavo Springnear GdcondaTho New Salem congrogotion havesecured the servicci tf Rev Loworyfr the next year Mr Lowory hasgivon general satisfaction to hixchurch tho past yearProtracted meeting will eomrnenciat N w Silem tho Saturday boloietho 4h Sunday in this monthPrayer meeting at Now Salemovcry Sunday night at early candlolightUncle Bill Uaydcn and his goodlady of Salem wero in this sectionthis week calling on friendsOur school at New Salem is progressing all right so far Ilopo womay havo a good schoolOut friend Charley Cook is making preparations to build a residencenear Tynera ChappellDissolution NoticeMarion Ky Sept 20 1892Tho law firm of James Moorecomposed ol L II James and A CMoore is this day mutually dissolvedand all parties indebted to said firmwill como forward und settleL II JamesA C MooreChamborlams Eyo and SkinOintmentA certain euro for Chronic Soro EyesTotter Salt llbcum Scald Head OldChronic Sores Fovcr Sores EczemaItch Tralrle Scratches Soro Nipplesand riles It Is cooling and soothingHundreds of cases havo been cured byit after all other treatment had faileaIt Is put up in 23 and 00 cent boxosTho Sherwood Houso is the placowhere all Koatuckians mod whenthey go to Evansville The table isgood tho rooms are splendid and theproprietor Mr I C Uridwell is acapital manTho best machine oil made for salent Crtlers hardware snreJlnv fertifofr or WHEAT on 12months tim 1 frrin Geo M Cridirhardwire Maiion KyCom t i set- us P er A ri nUnliiine i ikUh Ik hui voh Viertiiiu Chill Cure IlickkHuliiiiii ami Clilif Tio cure110 payNowginghum and calico nt PierceYandoll Ougenhcitn CoWheat drill are now very ehuipat Pierre Si SonBringall your dried fruit to PierreYaiidcll Gugcnhfim CoBuy fertilizer for WHEAT on 12monttas time Iron Geo M Underhardware Marion KyThe creatcst line ol clothing 101men and boys at Pierce YandcllGugcnheim CoDontEngage your tui keys and pecso toany one until you first call and getprices ol J M Jean SonAew itarliurFor tho host shave call on Walaco Si Spdman next door to posteffice Everything first clots thbest harbor over in MarionSuits and overcoats low down atPicice Yandell GugenhoinyCoSee our SI boys suitsPierce Yandcll Gugcnheim Cofluggieo and Harness at PicrcoSen Haul wat e StoroIT your appetite Is gone UOUitInirwlllrcstoro t ioro quicklyfliau tifJ C C Certain ChillCure the grout Tonlo amiKiiarantectl euro Tor Chill uilFeverFOrt SALE--Alarm 150 acres4J miles Boutb cast of Marion 75acros cleared fair improvementsplonty timber good water Willsell cheap Jre WoodMarion KyPuriirs wishing to borrow moneywill do well to call on A M Baldwin Marion Ky 810000 to oonon real estate securitySBPERKINSTINNERPainter and Paper HangerMIKIOX KYIt oiti gtitterjtig ond repairingPierce Yandoll Oueenhoim Co opg chickons turkeys geose -lucks done on ahirt notiaotfipy sol tho beat and chcopcet nnl U kinds of country produce iR jnd papci -hinging4101130 iiainiour workiUiGbVsTliis Spaceis reserved for-J H MORSEHe is now in the market buying a large line of ShoesDress Goods Notions andFurnishing Goods and in facteverything that the pcopltwant for winter wear Everydollars worth of goods will benew and first class and theprices will tickle all the people See him at Geo GrayVold stand You can also buyJewelry from him for Icsjmoney than anybody in thecounty- -NfW -Cnlthvell SpringDo you want tho news fiom thisplaceDod Oct 1 Infant child of T GOwon after a brief illness Tho bereaved family havo tho sympathy ofthe cntiro communityJ B Stephens Inn bought tho RovW ItGibbs farm an expects totnoyoto it Jan 1 We icrret to loso BroGibb3 and wclcomu Mr Stephens nsCItZMlSA good crip of tobaco his justbeen housed and cured in this sectonD Thrclkod and wife of Kohcyutl Anthony Kon of luka attended chuti h hero hist SundayProf Woodill Ins n large musicclass here anil tin proHpeoU aro litteiing lor a No 1 choir when hoijois through with themfquiro Jiukso i ha residue I hisulTuu and will innvu to Frcdmia toicjopt i pMition in tin creatuoryOir public school s sonnwhitcrowded lurv wl idi wo hnpo in licit s iciewd intoronin olucationil work L 1 1 veo bo iy send mid ifntcci Mry buihl another housePrntr 0 el nroiig begtw herox- Hand i R v R Gibbjvl is Nf tho pnorUHlbf mLiRailwayGa WCoTIMS CARDTRAINS GOING SOUTHLv EvansvilleVr llenilcriouAr CorvdonArMorgatifioJAr DoKovcnAr KturfilsAr MurionNo 1 No1000 ftm 8 pmI0r5iim 8f pmllWnra 2ipm1210 pm1250 p m 1011 pmli pui 1011 pm1 11 m 1 1 rn n mr lrlccctuu 300 pm J5i AlWTRAINS GOING NORTHLv rrincctonAr I iriunr Sliirgi8Vi IiuKurcnr MorffuifiolJr Coiidonr HctsdvrMonNo 2300 am107 a infisiitl amrKl amB0t am021 a mCliairr JJsiiiiBvillu 710 amNoGl0pm70d pm71H pmHll pmKlipm02i pm950 pic1045 pmUNIONTOWN RRANCHKOlTtI hWlKDIoavo MorgMi field ro 11 H l amNo 1i ltiii p m No 10 lOiOOpMArrivu Utiirntuwn No II 916 pmfo iy Ii p m 13 112 pmXOKTII noi NilLctv UjIonlnwn No 12 H0 amII III lit a m Nr 10 10 p mArrlva MoiKAnloliI No ii 65u amr U ll0 pm No 10 S 10 pmt II Ci mn Y jr IboutvISiil Snpt I V k pDr 1vH CossilLjiwirrli JMMai ionHi 5fKyr ma Artificial leethA SpecialtyRubber or Celluloid Platesstop yovh cough wranCnrcs Uonglts Cold1 HoarsenessCroup Whooping- Congh UroncliHIsIncipient Consnnipllon nmlvrlllrellovo consumptivo patients in advanced statres will euro when cttrnnbo nnd relievo in tho worst casesScothnt C C C Isbloun In OTcry liottlo an ltiiko no other 3rioo 25oj o ziEtmrmHALu cobolh rnoiinKToas -EVisvirw IndianaSOLD UY imuaoisTs okneuallyltcmovoonnWflrtsHnnIon3wIthCERTAIfl CORN CURESO Ots a SaoTXiilSo our ladies cloaks nnd jicketsTierce Yandoll Gugcnheim CoBuy foit llzor tor WllEA V on 12monhs timo fretn Geo M Cridcrlanwiire Muion KvAll tho nowost thingH in dressjords such nh homespun pergeHohevroufl tiiid honrietties at PieroYandcll Gugcnholm Coi n nitUuy Alilliioiy Goods untilyou seo us AVo Imvo just vocoived tho Largest niut JMostComploto Stock of tlicso goodsbrought to Salem OurWonder WoilungJOW PRICESwill sell our goods Wo nroalso prepared to do Dress making Latest styles from NowYork furnished our customersCAHTKU LaRUESalem KyUIU O Coilnin Chill OiiroIs pIciiMtnt la uvliu utMlChildren llko it Jiminittcc l to euro iiHLstuid tevcrAmLM
FULL Crucc 24